Quote of the Week- Mann parodies science: ‘we don’t need no stinking data’

Watts Up With That?

With apologies to Alfonso Bedoya in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.


Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. once quipped:

If Michael Mann did not exist, the skeptics would have to invent him.

Such is the case today where Mann becomes a climate skeptic’s best friend. In a recent presentation to a bunch of political operatives, the Mann put his pseudo-scientific foot in his mouth. From the Washington Times:

Leading climate doomsayer Michael Mann recently downplayed the importance of climate change science, telling Democrats that data and models “increasingly are unnecessary” because the impact is obvious.

“Fundamentally, I’m a climate scientist and have spent much of my career with my head buried in climate-model output and observational climate data trying to tease out the signal of human-caused climate change,”

Mr. Mann told the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee at a hearing.

“What is disconcerting to me and so many of my…

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