More insane conspiracy theory from Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky of Bristol University

Watts Up With That?

A new paper by Stephan Lewandowsky once again projects his own conspiracy ideation onto skeptics


One known element of conspiratorial thinking is its ‘self-sealing’ quality (Keeley 1999, Bale 2007, Sunstein and Vermeule 2009), whereby evidence against a conspiratorial belief is re-interpreted as evidence for that belief. In the case of ‘climategate’, this self-sealing nature of conspiratorial belief became evident after the scientists in question were exonerated by nine investigations in two countries (including various parliamentary and government committees in the U.S. and U.K.; see table 1), when those exonerations were re-branded as a ‘whitewash.’ This ‘whitewash’ response can be illustrated by U.S. Representative Sensenbrennerʼs published response to the EPAʼs endangerment finding.

The paper:

Conspiratory fascination versus public interest: the case of ‘climategate …

Basically, the gist of it is that being interested in Climategate, makes you a conspiracy theorist.

What a…

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